Justin Harper, now holds a special education endorsement from EMU. He recently graduated from the Washtenaw Intermediate School District’s “Paraprofessional-to-Teacher Certification Pilot Program. (credit to: Mkukulka@mlive.com)
Washtenaw ISD partnered with Eastern Michigan University to roll out its “Paraprofesional-to-Teacher Certification Pilot Program.” And in December 2023, the first graduating class rolled out–19 new certified special education teachers. They will be helping students with emotional impairments or learning disabilities.
The Pilot, made possible by MDE’s special waiver, covers most costs of teacher prep courses at EMU, including books and fees for dedicated parapros already working in the area schools.
The Program helps support existing public school employees by advancing paraprofessionals and teacher assistants to earn teaching degrees.
One graduate, for instance, entered the program with 14 years of experience as a paraprofessional in the Ann Arbor Public Schools and wanted to become a classroom teacher. This program gave him the credentials to do just that. He finished the program and secured almost immediately a teaching position.
Washtenaw’s strong community relationships created opportunities to offer existing public school employees more options to advance in the field–an innovative way to combat school staffing shortages in Michigan.
Washtenaw’s ‘grow your own’ education program offers 1,200 paraprofessionals within their County a chance to advance their careers in education.
Learn more about this program: