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Build Up MI Helps Children 3-5 Yrs. with Learning Delays

Build Up Michigan is a statewide initiative designed to support children aged 3 to 5 who may be experiencing developmental delays or disabilities. 

The program offers free evaluations and services to help these children develop essential skills in areas such as cognitive, communication, social/emotional, independence, and physical development. Early intervention is crucial, as it strengthens the foundation for future learning and success.

Parents, caregivers, and professionals can refer children to Build Up Michigan if they have concerns about a child’s development. The referral process typically involves completing an Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), which assesses various developmental milestones. Based on the results, the program may provide in-home activities, connect families with local resources, or initiate an evaluation through the local school district.

By identifying and addressing developmental concerns early, Build Up Michigan aims to ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

About Build Up MI

The program was created by the Michigan Department of Education’s Office of Special Education. It provides resources and support to children with disabilities. 

The Build Up website includes resources with special education opportunities for children with disabilities.

  • Outlines for developmental milestones
  • Checklist for what makes a child kindergarten-ready
  • Materials for promoting special education and a link to MI Kids Matter, a website for guidance on giving children their best chance in life

Learn About Build Up MI Services Here

Contact a Build Up Coordinator Here

or call the Michigan Special Education Information Line at: 1 (888) 320-8384

What Most Children Do at Age 3*

  • Copies adults and friends
  • Takes turns in games
  • Follows instructions with 2 or 3 steps
  • Plays make-believe with dolls, animals and people
  • May get upset with major changes in routine
  • May copy a circle with a pencil or crayon
  • Turns book pages one at a time
  • Runs easily

What Most Children Do at Age 4*

  • Enjoys doing new things
  • Would rather play with other children than by him/herself
  • Sings a song or says a poem from memory such as “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or “Wheels on the Bus”
  • Can say first and last name
  • Able to name some colors and numbers
  • Catches a bounced ball most of the time
  • Often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe

What Most Children Do at Age 5

  • Hops; may be able to skip
  • Can print some letters or numbers
  • Likes to sing, dance and act
  • Is aware of gender
  • Can tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
  • Can play simple games such as Candy Land and Go Fish
  • Wants to be like friends
  • Is sometimes demanding and sometimes very cooperative

*Milestones checklists available to download in English and Spanish


OPTIMISE attracts, prepares, and retains diverse and qualified personnel to help advance individuals with disabilities (Birth to 26 years). 

The OPTIMISE Task Force, Core Team, and Action Teams work with numerous partners, Michigan’s leading education organizations, and legislature to reduce barriers and align licensing for special educators. This work includes working with all levels of education to accomplish this goal.


OPTIMISE promotes twelve professions within Michigan’s special education field, steps to reach that profession, degree programs in the state, financial help with grants/scholarships, industry support, and a real-time job board.

Join a great group of dedicated people who help individuals with disabilities excel.

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