The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) offers grant funds to current Michigan teachers to apply towards earning an endorsement in special education.
The MDE Special Education Teacher Tuition Reimbursement Grant will cover tuition costs–up to $800.00 per credit hour–for a maximum of 18 credits per teacher over three years in alignment with the temporary approval process. Tuition reimbursement cannot be applied to repeat courses.
Tuition reimbursement is available for all teachers employed under an initial special education teacher temporary approval with an effective date of May 14, 2021 – September 30, 2025.
All Michigan school districts, including intermediate school districts, are eligible to apply. Districts are to follow the Special Education Personnel Approvals process for employing teachers under initial temporary approval.
This Special Education Teacher Tuition Reimbursement Grant does not take the place of the Special Education Personnel Approvals process, but rather it enhances it by making Special Education Teacher Tuition Reimbursement Grant funds available.
Documentation of the district’s temporary approval for the teacher must be maintained at the district, and a copy must be submitted within the application for tuition reimbursement.
The MDE will provide tuition reimbursement to districts in a timely manner following submission and approval of the Special Education Teacher Tuition Reimbursement Grant Application, including proof of the paid tuition bill.
Find additional resources and detailed information from MDE’s grant page.
OPTIMISE attracts, prepares, and retains diverse and qualified personnel to help advance individuals with disabilities (Birth to 26 years).
The OPTIMISE Task Force, Core Team, and Action Teams work with numerous partners, Michigan’s leading education organizations, and legislature to reduce barriers and align licensing for special educators. This work includes working with all levels of education to accomplish this goal.
OPTIMISE promotes twelve professions within Michigan’s special education field, steps to reach that profession, degree programs in the state, financial help with grants/scholarships, industry support, and a real-time job board.
Join a great group of dedicated people who help individuals with disabilities excel.
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